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Saturday, March 17, 2018

"Its Not The End"

If you fail to get your AIM,
Don't think that its the end.
Try again and achieve your aim,
always think positive that its not the end.

If you fail to make efforts in studies,
Don't think that its the end.
Because you have something rather than studies,
believe in god and think its not the end.

If you are upset with some reason,
Don't think that its the end.
happily put efforts to change that season
always think positive its not the end. 

If you are not getting help from your friend,
Don't think that it is the end.
Just help yourself and neglect that friend,
because it is not the end.

After old age, there is a stage of death,
yes, it is the end
But every person has to take the birth after death
because it is not the end.

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