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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bulbul "not horror but good drama"

Today, I want to write about Bulbul movie which is available on Netflix. 

The story revolves around 1881 of a  royal family in Calcutta. The movie is directed by Anvita Dutt. It is a Hindi language supernatural drama. The movie opens up with the child marriage of the main character bulbul. Throughout, the story goes back and forth unfolding past and present. 

The first half of the movie is little slow but second half has more twist and turns. The story line shows the basic nature of relationships, expectations, jealousy, innocence and how only women have to adjust herself even though they themselves know the issues around them. The whole story is directed very beautifully and keep you intact with the story line. The vfx done in the movie is satisfactory. 

I feel Justice is done with the story. All the main characters- Tripti Dimri, Avinash Tiwary, Rahul Bose, Paoli Dam and Parambrata has beautifully portrayed their characters. I recommend everyone should watch this movie. It is more of a content driven drama than horror and it's worth watching.