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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Friends are gem

every footprints of friends,
remain till the life ends.
life shared, made all that fun,
remain there with you to run.
life will feel love and happiness
when you think about them,
you will hold that forever
coz for you they are your gem.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I am losing my hold

i got winter 
while the summers on
My hope left.
try to laugh the world said,
but i can not be bold
as every where is cold
and i am losing my hold.

Monday, August 20, 2018

I let it go

In the end
There was no trying
There were no reasons
I am not lying
But I tried
To change my seasons 
Nothing was left to show.
So that is why i let it go.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Crowned Love

Even though stars are far
But still shine is all around.
Beautiful, pretty... yes, you are.
You are the brightest pearl,
Who has a perfect sound.
I know you are not star. 
But still brightest light in you
I have found.
the love i was looking for
now in you i have crowned

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Empty threat

Futile attempts,
Barren hearts,
endless distance,
There is no start.
Anxiety in my mind is not yet,
But there is always an empty threat.

Friday, August 17, 2018

I can't stop gazing

No description for magical face
Graceful never seen before in this space
Unheard melodious musical voice
About her every bit I want to trace
I see around 
Everything is amazing
But when I see you
I can’t stop gazing

Thursday, August 16, 2018

My poetry

My poetry on blank pages
has always something to say
It pours down all the words
drenched in emotions all day
Sometimes hurt, love and play
All of the emotional sways
which my lips can not portray.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It is not Love anymore

Its not love anymore
Even if we are friends
I am not sure
but at least while passing by
through your eyes let me know
what your heart feels?
Are we now strangers to the core?

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Lonely in ego

I saw the sky full of stars
then the shiniest one
which was lonely
watching that I melt a little
when it was lost amongst many
but then I saw
Sky was calling it aloud
But it refused to hear in its ego
and that was uncanny

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Love Clouds

Magic in your eyes
Fragrance flows through your vein
I have lost my heart to you
Now dont leave me lonely insane
wait for moments more
because love clouds are yet to rain
I know not?
when magic of this kind 
will happen again?

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Deep into love

When I did not know Love
I wanted to fall into it 
and get drowned
but then
when i am deep into it now
I wished i had known swimming
and could come out somehow.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Away I go

Listen away I go.
Holding the moment,
that bestowed gift, the best one.
and end of 
your avoidance and my trial
and beginning of
My acceptance and your denial

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dreams from MIre

Inside of me is a fire,
The long sleeping desire,
Know not what I have become?
I had been so dumb. 
Found now, I have to be at spire.
Drawing out my dreams from mire

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Undone this puzzle

Every path has struggles
But let me fly, My dreams.
Breaking free from stirred struggles
Dreaming high in this arrested life
Now enraging breath
to undone this puzzle

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Friendship for you

They come into your life
Accept your craziness all the while
They teach you its ok to be you
and they don't leave you with every new
then you know that friendship is only for you

Hug all happiness

everything all that i seek
will be true indeed
These days life smiles at me
requesting to hug all happiness in me
and let unwanted be free